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What is Digital Painting?


Digital Painting

Digital Painting in Adobe Photoshop or in other digital medium is a modern approach to traditional art process. It is mostly the same as traditional painting, but only in digital form. With all the options available on one platform it is becoming an easier art form for the contemporary artist.

It is an inexpensive art form as no matter how many times we discard them or use them there is no wastage of resources or money. The artwork is editable and we get lots of options to edit that artwork.

The painting process is quick and we don’t have to worry much about the canvas to dry for applying further changes which are quite common when working with oil and acrylic colors.

Technology is Evolving Paintings

Technology is slowly replacing the traditional artwork methods. In this fast-paced world when there is so much lack of time artists are more and more gravitating towards digitizing their artworks.

And some of the well-known software for making such digital painting are Adobe Photoshop, Corel Painter, and Krita.

In these software, we can get every possible brush and canvas option so that we can create a variety of artworks using absolutely no art supplies.

But the only difference is that in the place of brush we have to use specialized digital pen or graphic to make our artwork possible.

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  • Advantages of Digital Painting

    Digital Painting is very quick to prepare and it has almost every editable option and we can make changes to our artwork anytime we like.

    It takes literally no time to make huge changes to the artwork which might take hours and days for traditional painting if we do it manually.

    This method of painting is so convenient that a digital painter can store all his/her artwork in a simple pen drive or hard drive and can save the huge amount of space or can carry anywhere they like.

    To make a digital art the only thing we need is a computer and a graphics pen.  There is an even more advanced version of graphics pen available in the market like Wacom Cintiq editions on which we can make our artwork directly on the screen.

    Process of creating of Digital Painting

    Here, I will be discussing different types of digital paintings and there process of creation.

    Concept Art

    Concept art could be a rough sketch or a fully detailed painting of any concept usually related to movies, TV shows, books or stories of any kind.

    In pre-productions, when directors or producers want to design any scene or imagine a character from their story, they need specialized concept artists to execute their thoughts so that they can further work on it.

    To make concept art, at first, write down all the features or conditions that are required to make that art, then slowly move on to the sketch. At first, try to lay the rough outlines and then move on to adding the details.

    My advice before starting the sketch would be to use blue or red color for the initial construction lines because it gets very easy to draw over it, you can easily work on your final sketch without getting interrupted by the rough lines of the layer below.

    After the final sketch is finished we can move on to coloring. The first step would be the base layer which is usually the flat colors without the changing of any tones.

    After that, we can add the shadows and highlights while keeping in mind the intensities of shadows that have been cast. Trying to keep things as realistic as possible and for doing that we must have to be a keen observer.

    To make the concept art we don’t really have to see any reference photos that are why it’s called a concept art which will only include the thoughts of the artist. Concept art may include bizarre character design or any books or movie props


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